LA ESQUINA: Getting Through This Crisis en Comunidad

La Esquina is our monthly column focusing on all things Latinx. Written by LNL contributors, La Esquina will focus on the various things that matter to us, from cultural moments to current events, we’re here, let’s talk about. Meet us en la esquina! This month Jenny Motaval tackles what we’re all thinking about: COVID-19.

As most of the world's population continues to shelter in place due to the COVID-19 outbreak, industries find themselves defining a new normal and a new approach to the way we are experiencing life—while also adapting to these trying times.

It’s devastating toll in our community is alarming, Black and Latinx workers are hit at a disturbingly higher rate, and undocumented workers are disproportionately vulnerable as they over-represent layoff sectors like hotels, restaurants, home child-care and cleaning services to name a few, and most recently have been excluded from the stimulus check.

“I think right now the biggest thing has been acknowledging and also supporting economically a lot of those that are on the front lines of being able to continue to feed America,” says La Nueva Link member Lucia Allain, the communications manager for RAICES (The Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services). The non-profit offers free and low-cost legal services to immigrants and refugees and works to lend social support and educate communities.

“We forget to highlight the essential workers who put food on your plate, which are the farmworkers. The majority of farmworkers are undocumented and they're at the front lines from the beginning, working from sunrise to sunset,” Lucia adds, emphasizing the population who are out by 4 AM and end their shift by midnight to make sure they’re collecting fresh crops in.

As key players, creators, and influencers in media, it’s important to find ways to help others in the community who are impacted the hardest by these situations. The anxiety-producing “stay at home” lifestyle many are experiencing may leave some of us feeling helpless. However, there are plenty of actions and initiatives you can take to help those around you like donating blood, contributing to food banks, donating gear to health care workers, and funding organizations working to help those most at risk.

“I'm always available for folks to take up stories, but I also think there is a way to tell our stories,” said Lucia. “Honestly continue to add pressure. If you’re a journalist continue to tell your editor the importance of our stories and the need to tell it,” she added, also explaining that for those working in music, specifically, educating artists on what's happening and keeping them up to date with fundraisers and missions can spark interests in collaborations and funding that can bring those following their platforms on board with certain causes. 

With people looking to the digital community to create initiatives and active social events, platforms are now finding experimental ways to support digitally—like Zoom fundraisers and IG live Q&As with lawyers and activists. Queer collectives like Familia: TQLM and Trans Latin@ Coalition are actively spreading awareness on a day to day bases and promoting links to donate to and with undocumented communities lacking access to necessities like unemployment, health insurance, and paid sick leave during this global crisis, Undocublack and Movimiento Cosecha have created fundraisers that assist in donating directly to families in need.

As the numbers in cases increase so has the social anxiety associated with COVID-19. This is largely due to the dramatic and rapid loss of lives as well as the pandemic-induced social isolation set in place. Due to this fear and stress, there is now a COVID-19 channel in La Nueva Link’s Slack, where members can access different sources providing support and aid.

We ask for our members to continue to be aware of what’s going on politically, use this time to connect and build relationships through our slack channel, and while it’s essential for us to accept our reality and embrace the new normal it’s also important to be kind to ourselves: take breaks from hard news, make time to unwind and talk to someone if you’re feeling different types of emotions like anxiety, sadness, and depression.

We will all get through this crisis juntos, in community and collaboration. 

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Written by Jenny Motaval.


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