dímelo @JenniferMotaval
In "Dimelo @," La Nueva Link speaks with different Latinx creatives / professionals to highlight their contributions, work and get them on your radar. Up first, a conversation with Multimedia Artist, Jennifer Mota.
When she’s not writing and schooling us on Dembow, this proud Dominicana-American is using her unique voice to help build La Nueva Link as a founding member. Keep your eye out for more from Jennifer in the monthly newsletters, a true creative force!
Job Title: Multimedia Journalist
Company: Freelancer
Side Hustle: @elrecap
Location: Jersey City, New Jersey
LNL: What is the best advice you’ve heard so far?
“Move with intention.” This advice reminds me of what I feel my purpose is in the industry, when you are in line with your purpose you’re motivated and passionate about your work.”
LNL: In your career -- what has been your proudest achievement so far?
JM: Documenting the history of Dominican Dembow has been one of my proudest moments. While storytelling the rise I’ve spoken to the pioneers and producers who shaped the movement and continue to catapult the genre today.
LNL: What has been your biggest lesson you’ve learned about your latinidad and the workplace?
JM: Latinidad is complex, it is meant to encompass the many groups and cultures within Latin America but often misses the mark and erases many communities. There is still much unpacking, de-colonizing and the-programming left to do when concerning the race discourse in our community and I’ve realized it takes time and requires patience. It's also important to consider allyship when you have access to certain spaces that others might not.
LNL: What’s your mantra / your favorite dicho?
JM: There’s this quote I have hung up by Aristotle,“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” You will only find your version of success and earn a way of life by the efforts and work you put in.
Jennifer Mota is a Dominican-American Multimedia Journalist who focuses on topics relating to music, fashion, Latinx identity, and Afro-Latinidad. For more from Jennifer, check out her website and follow her on social.